Thursday, July 12, 2012

Why Website Design Companies Should Offer Multiple Revisions

Many website design companies view website design revisions as a design team’s worst nightmare. It can be frustrating and time consuming when a client is not yet satisfied with the website layout and keeps asking for revisions. But while it can be frustrating, revisions should always be a part of the contract between a client and the design team. CODANK, a website design company in Charlotte, offers multiple revisions to ensure customer satisfaction and design variance.

When a client sees the first website layout, they may be thrilled and want no changes; most times you aren’t that lucky. The client wants a website that represents their business model, which means that it needs to promote what their company stands for. If you aren’t promoting it in the way they see fit, they have the right to suggest revisions.

As a website design company, it is important to offer revisions in order to let the magic of the design process run its course. Here are the benefits of offering revisions as a website design company.

The Growth of Web Design: The worldwide web is always changing. With a plethora of design possibilities at our fingertips, each website created has a different flair and a unique aesthetic. When clients ask for revisions, it forces your website design company to think outside the box and design in more innovative ways. In turn, this expands the variety of your portfolio and allows you to explore design options you may have never considered.

Customer/Designer Relations: Revising website designs not only strengthens the versatility of your website design company, but it also reinforces the line of communication between the design team and the customer. Customer service is of utmost importance when working with a client, and creating revisions shows the client that you are dedicated to making their website the best it can be.  Revisions also help you get a better picture of the client’s business model—what exactly is their business platform and how can the design company best display it through a website design?

CODANK believes in crafting custom designs for the client, offering after sales support and revisions. We will work hard to revise websites for our clients until they are completely satisfied.

CODANK is a top rated website design company in Charlotte, NC. Our commitment to top notch custom website design means you can be confident that whatever your project demands, our web developers deliver on time and on budget. We guarantee the best customer satisfaction!   

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