Monday, August 13, 2012

Let's Start Pinning

Pinterest is a web phenomenon that is taking the world by storm. It’s an online pin board that’s driven mostly by the imagery and photo quality of the products on the site. Pinterest combines social networking and consumerism; it allows users to share products, design tips, crafts, recipes, and pretty much anything else that peaks their interest. But where does online pin board, seemingly directed mainly towards women, fall in line with website design?

The growth of web design all depends on the sharing and exchanging of ideas and techniques. If you search under the technology section of Pinterest, you can often find web design ideas. You can then “re-pin” them and use them for inspiration later. It’s a great way to see what else is out there, what other web designers are using, and what’s popular among the web design community. You can also create a page on Pinterest and list yourself as a website designer. Pin some samples of your work and include information about yourself and or your company. People can see your work, re-pin it to their pages, and your website design skills will get more exposure.

With Pinterest, you can also include links to your facebook and Twitter pages, as well as your company website so that people can follow you more closely if they are interested. Also, make sure to include key words in every picture you post on Pinterest. That way, if someone is searching for “wedding website design” and you have a pin board dedicated to wedding websites, they can find you easily.

Pinterest is, in large part, a site saturated with pretty images of things that people find interesting. But if you look under the right categories, you can actually find some useful tips on web design, technology, computers, and the like. Post pieces of your design portfolio to Pinterest and see who re-pins your posts.

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