Friday, July 31, 2009

Your Site Popularity

The overall goal of any web designer is to gain that much needed online traffic. Committing your money and time to a project and not receiving the support you desire is a true let down. But, it is your responsibility to make the appropriate design and development decisions worthy of achieving site popularity.

Search Engine Optimization
How did sites such as Facebook and YouTube become so well-liked? Site popularity is reached by using different methods. What may work for one site may not work for another site. Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing are very important when creating a website. Taking the time to plan efficiently will help you add relevance and quality necessary for attracting viewers.

A majority of your traffic is going to come from search engines and directories, such as Google and Yahoo. These resources have been estimated to bring in 80% of a site’s traffic.

Website Design
When choosing a domain name for your website, please remember to keep it short and easy to memorize. The domain name should also include popular keywords researched during SEO.
Design layouts should be very simple. Minimal use of flash animation and photos is important because it may cause the page to load slowly (which in return will turn away users).

It is also helpful to evaluate websites which are similar to you are hoping to achieve. Your competitors will give you insight on what site features, design elements, and written content is successful. If they have over a million hits per month, it would be clever to grasp their concept and run with it!

About CODANK Web Design

CODANK is a top rated Web Design and Internet Marketing firm located in Charlotte, NC. We are dedicated to provide the highest quality, cost effective custom software development services, delivering a broad range of business consulting and outsourcing services. For more information, visit us at

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Blast It Out: Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most compelling and cost-effective online tools available to businesses of all types. It provides a company with a strong brand in a demanding market. Daily, weekly, or monthly emails help to keep a business and its brand in the minds of intended patrons. The number of people with access to the Internet is steadily on the rise. Small to large businesses should take advantage of this affordable means of communication.

E-blast, also known as email blast, simply put is a digital form of direct mail. With no paper or printing, a message can be sent straight to the targeted group. This allows companies complete flexibility in messaging and timing. The e-blast can be used to inform consumers about upcoming events, product launch, and various company tid bits. HTML e-mail announcements with a business’s logo, images, links, and text are commonly used within an e-blast.

Each individual e-blast can be customized to properly convey a message to potential and loyal customers. A company should thoroughly plan each message in order to produce the intended results. To do so, it is suggested to hire a professional e-blast service provider.
Most email blasts are measured for quality efficiency by the provider. The normal features of an e-blast report include the following:

· Number of messages sent out
· Number of opened messages (open rate)
· Number of visitors to the company’s website generated by the e-blast

About CODANK Web Design

CODANK is a top rated Web Design and Internet Marketing firm located in Charlotte, NC. We are dedicated to provide the highest quality, cost effective custom software development services, delivering a broad range of business consulting and outsourcing services. For more information, visit us at

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Pay-Per-Click Campaigns

Fighting to compete within the ever so changing Internet world is causing businesses to use every marketing tool available. From viral marketing to keyword analysis, every aspect helps a company in the long run. One of the most important means of improving web site ranking is a term known as Pay-Per-Click (PPC). Hundreds of PPC services are available, but managing them is normally a difficult task.

Pay-Per-Click is defined as a bid, placed on a keyword advertisement, which is swiftly charged each time a visitor clicks the advertisement. So, each time a potential customer or viewer clicks on a business’s ad, the business then has to pay the PPC provider. The main goal of a PPC program is to drive traffic to a site.

When a business chooses to use paid services to help with their marketing efforts, they may find that managing the different services can become challenging. When this happens, strategies should be put in place to manage all of them as capably as possible.

Software solution is suggested for businesses that are looking to manage their Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and PPC services. Using software will help to handle many issues of your strategy as possible from one central location. This normally eliminates the confusion associated with dealing with numerous programs and services. Software solution along with effective management is also one huge help. Dedicate a block of time each day to monitor your marketing process.

To avoid having to spend large amounts of money, intense research should be conducted on software solutions. A business should look for something that allows them to go through a free trial period so that they can try it out before actually paying.

Top Pay-Per-Click Companies
· Google
· Yahoo
· Myspace
· Facebook

About CODANK Web Design

CODANK is a top rated Web Design and Internet Marketing firm located in Charlotte, NC. We are dedicated to provide the highest quality, cost effective custom software development services, delivering a broad range of business consulting and outsourcing services. For more information, visit us at

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Don't Fall Into The Trap: SEO Spam

When strategizing your Search Engine Optimization plan, there are many techniques and rules you should follow. A major aspect that every marketer should be aware of is SEO Spam. This type of spam works the same as the telemarketers who call you during dinner and won’t take no for an answer, except SEO spam fills up search engine results pages. If you are ever detected as a possible spammer, your search rankings will be penalized and will more than likely be removed from search engines all together.

How do you know whether what you are doing is right or wrong? You may not always know, but if you’re using guidelines provided by various search engines you should not to worry about being labeled as a spammer.

SEO spam is also known as spamdexing – spamming indexes. While some techniques are obviously spam, others aren’t that easy to detect but should be avoided anyway. It is best not to do anything that makes you believe is wrong. Try not to make your site appear to be something it really is not. This is misleading and will lower your ranking.

Below is a list of spamming techniques commonly used:

Keyword Stuffing – Repeatedly placing keywords on a web site
Gateway Pages – Designed specifically to attract search crawlers but are useless to the visitors. Normally, a gateway page will have only the visible text, “click here to enter”.
Hidden Text – Text is usually the same color as the background of the page so that visitors cannot see it. The text is normally a collection of keywords and phrases.
Link-Only Pages – These pages consist of nothing but links. This should be avoided by any means necessary.
Transparent Links – Links included on a page but are the same color as the background.

About CODANK Web Design

CODANK is a top rated Web Design and Internet Marketing firm located in Charlotte, NC. We are dedicated to provide the highest quality, cost effective custom software development services, delivering a broad range of business consulting and outsourcing services. For more information, visit us at

Monday, July 27, 2009

On The Go: Mobile Marketing

How often do you see people with their heads down looking at a cell phone? Probably numerous times a day! If they aren’t talking on it then more than likely they are surfing the web – also known as mobile web. With the sudden increase in cell phones, PDAs, and other fancy gadgets, businesses are beginning to take advantage of what many have coined as mobile marketing.

The mobile web is similar to a normal desktop web, but it is accessed from a mobile phone by using its web browser. The U.S. leads the world with a 15.6 mobile web penetration and 40 million active mobile web users according to Nielsen Mobile. The U.K. is second with 12.9 percent penetration, and Italy is third with 11.9 percent.

Small businesses, such as hair salons to sports agencies are using mobile marketing campaigns to help draw in new customers. Because promoting via mobile browsing is less expensive than most other marketing efforts, a business should utilize the opportunity as much as possible. One of the best ways to reach out to potential customers is to make it easy for them to locate you on the go. It is very helpful to start by placing your address, phone number and hours of operation up on the mobile web.

Even though the mobile web is still in its developmental stages, it is one of the largest emerging market opportunities in history. It has attracted a lot of attention because of its increasing popularity and apparent potential. The mobile web is growing fast and so are the possibilities for mobile marketing campaigns.

The total value of advertising on mobile was 2.2 billion dollars in 2007.

Top Mobile Web Providers

· Verizon
· AT&T
· Sprint
· T-Mobile
· U.S. Cellular

About CODANK Web Design

CODANK is a top rated Web Design and Internet Marketing firm located in Charlotte, NC. We are dedicated to provide the highest quality, cost effective custom software development services, delivering a broad range of business consulting and outsourcing services. For more information, visit us at

Friday, July 24, 2009

RSS: Rich Site Summary

What is RSS?
Rich Site Summary, commonly known as RSS is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated works—such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video—in a standardized format. An RSS document is also referred to as a feed, web feed, or channel. It includes full or condensed text, publishing dates, and authorship.

Web feeds benefit publishers by letting them automatically syndicate content. This is beneficial to readers who want to subscribe to timely updates from preferred websites or to combine feeds from many sites into one place.

Benefits and Reasons for using RSS
RSS is the simple resolution for people who use the web on the regular. It allows these users to easily stay informed by recovering the latest content from the sites which they are most interested in. People who use RSS save time by not having to visit each site separately. Because you don’t have to commit to any newsletter nor provide personal information, your privacy is ensured. Sites such as Yahoo News and Google News offer RSS feeds. RSS is shaping up to be a very popular and useful means for communicating. Many sites display a small icon with the acronyms RSS, XML, or RDF to let you know a feed is available.

Other uses
Besides notifying you about changes to websites and news headlines, RSS is often used for many other purposes. A web page is not always necessary to be associated with the items listed. Sometimes the information you may desire will be located in the titles and descriptions themselves.

There does not even have to be a web page associated with the items listed -- sometimes all the information you need may be in the titles and descriptions themselves.

Commonly Mentioned Uses
Notification of the arrival of new products in a store
Listing and notifying you of newsletter issues, including email newsletters
Weather and other alerts of changing conditions
Notification of additions of new items to a database, or new members to a group

About CODANK Web Design

CODANK is a top rated Web Design and Internet Marketing firm located in Charlotte, NC. We are dedicated to provide the highest quality, cost effective custom software development services, delivering a broad range of business consulting and outsourcing services. For more information, visit us at

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Create a Buzz: Viral Marketing

It is obvious that the value of social media optimization has increased these past few years. Take a look at sites such as Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. These are all sites that most people were skeptical of at first, but now they have exceeded many expectations.

Small businesses are beginning to utilize social networking sites to create a buzz in the market. But, using social media as a marketing technique requires a distinctive approach than some of the traditional methods. The concept that involves marketing materials spread via social networking is known as viral marketing. This type of marketing uses pre-existing social networks to increase brand awareness by encouraging people to pass along a promotional message. It is an effective way of using word-of-mouth to achieve success.

Viral marketing begins with good content, also known as viral content. The content that you spread through social networking sites should consist of ‘real information’ that catches the attention of users. People tend to get more excited about things that benefit them in some way. If a message does not provide what they need, you should rethink your viral campaign.

Blogging in commonly used during viral marketing. For example, a company may post an article on a site such as Once the blog is posted, the article is then tagged in a social network, and begins to spread. Each time it is tagged more people see it, and then someone else tags it and it reaches more viewers. It is like applying the snowball effect to marketing.

Viral Marketing Tips

· Stray away from creating expensive advertisements
· Make it easy for people to share your content
· Utilize different types of social media sites
· Sell your idea in a creative way

About CODANK Web Design

CODANK is a top rated Web Design and Internet Marketing firm located in Charlotte, NC. We are dedicated to provide the highest quality, cost effective custom software development services, delivering a broad range of business consulting and outsourcing services. For more information, visit us at

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Optimizing Your Multi-Lingual Sites

Once you have achieved much success in your home country, marketing to other countries is something that you should consider. The Internet contains millions of sites that are all in English, but there are billions of people around the world that speak a different language. Developing online content for a multilingual web site presents a whole new challenge for any business looking to expand globally.

Needing a multilingual site usually means you have to double or even triple your Search Engine Optimization efforts. Optimizing your foreign language web site is pretty much the same as optimizing your English one; you just do it in a different language.

The biggest concern when translating your site to another language is the actual translation. Search Engine Optimization is usually the same as it is in English. Not translating content correctly can cost you as much as not having a foreign language site at all.

Below are some guidelines that should be considered when planning the SEO process:

Translate existing web content – It is best to hire someone who is an expert in the chosen language.
Apply all of the same SEO Rules – Just because the language has changed does not mean search engines or crawlers are any different.
Translate keywords – You may not be able to translate some words, so you’ll need to choose new keywords.
Include proper link – Links both to and from your English site to your foreign language site should be included.
Make language options available – Be sure to make language options clear so your foreign visitors will not miss it.

About CODANK Web Design

CODANK is a top rated Web Design and Internet Marketing firm located in Charlotte, NC. We are dedicated to provide the highest quality, cost effective custom software development services, delivering a broad range of business consulting and outsourcing services. For more information, visit us at

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Successful Link Building

With thousands of new sites created every day, the Internet is quickly becoming a crowded marketplace. Many of these sites desire to provide their viewers with the best design. But, what few fail to realize is the importance of perfecting the online content and also providing links on their pages.

Links on a business’s website is just as important as the sites content. Links can either be incoming, outgoing, or internal. Where those specific links lead to or come from is also critical.
If you have studied Search Engine Optimization lately, you should know that in order to receive high ranking you must fine-tune your design strategy to produce better results. That is where internal and external links come into play.

An internal link is a navigational link that leads viewers from one page to another on the website. The opposite of that is an external link. An external link leads a visitor to other sites outside of the current one.

Links should be relevant to the content of the page. They must also lead to other websites which contain related subject. For example, a pet sitting business has external links that lead to an art gallery. Because pet care and art have no relevance to one another, little significance is gained from this connection.

After you have taken the time into creating a link strategy and a link structure in hopes of increasing traffic flow to your site, you should also take some sort of action to ensure that you have the most effective links possible. Try to monitor your links for proficient linking. When your content changes, be sure to modify links. Also, delete broken links that may occur. Because monitoring can be very time consuming, it is best to use link analysis software. This software can help with every aspect of linking ranging from placing new links to monitoring the links you may already have available.

Linking Tips

· Don’t create pages that contain only links
· Be careful whom you link to
· Use keyword anchor text as much as possible
· Keep your links relevant

About CODANK Web Design

CODANK is a top rated Web Design and Internet Marketing firm located in Charlotte, NC. We are dedicated to provide the highest quality, cost effective custom software development services, delivering a broad range of business consulting and outsourcing services. For more information, visit us at

Monday, July 20, 2009

Where You Stand: Site Assessment

Face-to-face meetings with potential clients are completely different from the impact of a website. It is best to present your best work in order to leave a good impression. If you don’t, viewers will not hesitate to go elsewhere. Setting precise goals for your site and being sure to prioritize efficiently is very important.

Top priority pages, which are the ones that your visitors will most likely gravitate to, is the content that a company needs to pay close attention to. During the search engine optimization planning stages, looking at each individual page on the site instead of the entire site as a whole is best. Doing so will help you maximize your website’s potential when it comes down to search engine optimization and marketing.

Once you have prioritized your site, you should assess exactly where you stand and identify where you need to be. As stated above, assess each page separately. In SEO, individual pages are evenly important than the entire site as a whole. A company should design pages in efforts to achieve high rank in search results.

To help with assessing your website, you should create a document that outlines the current position of each page. Place columns for each element of the site that you are assessing, the current status, needed improvements, and the date that improvements need to be met. To help you stay organized, it would be beneficial to have a check box next to each item so that you can mark off completed improvements.

Site Assessment Components

· Page Content – Be sure to keep fresh, relevant, and updated content to achieve good page ranking.
· Sit/Page Tagging – Pay close attention to your title and description tags because they are the most important to a search engine.
· Site Map – Creating a site map will help your website be more accurately linked.
· Site Links – Placing links on your site helps crawlers and spiders collect data that is stored for a search engines use.

About CODANK Web Design

CODANK is a top rated Web Design and Internet Marketing firm located in Charlotte, NC. We are dedicated to provide the highest quality, cost effective custom software development services, delivering a broad range of business consulting and outsourcing services. For more information, visit us at

Friday, July 17, 2009

Banner Attraction

When planning your promotional endeavors, the ultimate goal of Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is to attract more traffic (people) to your website. How is this achieved? Well, there are various methods but one of the most effective of those is banner advertisement.

Banner ads are defined as a form of online advertising that requires embedding an advertisement into a web page. When you click on a banner ad, it directs you to the advertised website. Usually, the ad is constructed from an image (JPEG, PNG, or GIF), JavaScript program or other multimedia technology. Animation, sound and video are common for banner advertisement. The images are normally wide and short or tall and narrow (hence the reference to banner).

To achieve a high position in search results and to also bring in that much needed flow of visitors to your site, banner ads should be placed on other sites that have interesting content. The general topic concerning the content is encouraged to be related to your site. This is made possible by using a form of internet marketing that falls under psychographics (any attributes relating to personality, values, interests, or lifestyles).

For example, if you sell part care products, you may want to run banner ads on high-traffic sites which consumers browse to buy animals, train pets, or to acquire about pet sitting. People visiting these types of sites are more likely to have a reason or interest in your product, so they are also likely to have an interest in your website.

Banner Ad Tips

· Have Clear Graphics & Messaging – A strong, understandable message will help capture interest.
· Use Contrast – Background colors, bold text, and animation.
· Don’t clutter – Less really is more
· Keep Words to a Minimum – Try to use seven words or less

About CODANK Web Design

CODANK is a top rated Web Design and Internet Marketing firm located in Charlotte, NC. We are dedicated to provide the highest quality, cost effective custom software development services, delivering a broad range of business consulting and outsourcing services. For more information, visit us at

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Power of a Search Engine

Trying to find specific information on the Internet can be a bit overwhelming. Sometimes you want to be led right to what you are searching for, but other times you enjoy browsing through a list of choices. Where do you go when you need to find this information? The answer is simple – a search engine.

Few understand the makeup of the Internet. The Internet is a collection of FTP (File Transfer Protocol) sites that users have the right to download or upload files. With the millions of sites available, who has time to go through every one in search of specific content? No one! That is where search engines come into play.

A search engine is software that uses applications to collect information about websites. The information normally collected consists of phrases or keywords. These two are likely indicators of what is contained on the website, links into and out of the page, the URL, and the code that makes up a page. All of this information is then cataloged and stored into a database.

A user interface (means by which people interact with the system) is where users enter keywords and phrases in efforts to find specific content. Sites such as Google, Yahoo, and MSN are all examples of search engines. They have begun offering companies the most ability for them to reach their target market.

There are three types of search engines: Primary, Secondary, and Targeted. If you are business hoping to advertise or boost online visibility, choosing the correct search engine is very important.

A search engine operates in the following order:

Web crawling - Search engine programs that “crawl” from one web site to another following the links given to them or included in the page they’re examining.
Indexing – Content of the web site is grouped or cataloged into a database.
Searching – Once keywords or phrases are entered, the engine examines the database to produce search results.

About CODANK Web Design

CODANK is a top rated Web Design and Internet Marketing firm located in Charlotte, NC. We are dedicated to provide the highest quality, cost effective custom software development services, delivering a broad range of business consulting and outsourcing services. For more information, visit us at

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Taking Advantage of Networking Sites

Limiting your company’s online presence to advertising banners and blogging only isn’t guaranteed to get you too far. Powerful networking tools are popping up almost every day, giving you the opportunity to connect with a large mass of people and reach your specific target market. It would be very advantageous of your business to use these tools to build your internet existence.

Sign up and create a member profile on the following sites to help direct more traffic back to your company’s Web site. You will be able to link up with other professionals, supporters, and consumers who are most likely to gain an interest from what you have to offer.

· LinkedIn
· Facebook
· Focus
· HubSpot
· Sphinn
· Xing
· Plaxo
· Ziggs
· Care2
· YorZ

Networking sites are a great way to promote your business for free. Marketing and branding yourself in an impressive and professional manner is the best way to attract attention. To create truthful interest, be sure to keep it simple and modest. It is also important to stay involved in discussions, forums, and blogs.

Be sure to explore all of the available networking sites before deciding to create a profile. Each one you join should provide the specific needs you are hoping to fulfill. Do not misuse your networking privileges, but try to abide by all guidelines and conditions required of each site.

If you are looking to take your business to the next level, delving into the networking world is definitely something to consider.

About CODANK Web Design

CODANK is a top rated Web Design and Internet Marketing firm located in Charlotte, NC. We are dedicated to provide the highest quality, cost effective custom software development services, delivering a broad range of business consulting and outsourcing services. For more information, visit us at

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Present Your Best Work: Web Design Portfolio

As a web designer your final work is very important when looking to secure potential leads. The work must provide viewers with the evidence needed to show the capability and unique artistry you possess. Above all, every aspect should speak quality.

A web design portfolio is a collection of work that is a representation of your development as a designer. Portfolios normally contain every piece of formal work you have completed and any other kinds of work that will give potential clients a good sense of the dealings and progress you have gained. Because your work will be looked at without you in attendance, you should dedicate your time perfecting it. Let your work speak for itself! It’s worth taking a moment to get into the mind of the person who may be your possible client.

It is assumed that potential clients hope to hire someone or a company with a web and design background; more than likely someone who is capable of doing the job they are hired to do. They are searching for a web designer who will compliment their business, be able to complete all projects, and who understands how to get it done.

When presenting a web design portfolio, be sure to place your best pieces upfront. Potential clients may not have enough time to look through majority of your designs, so don’t scare them away by placing your best work in the back.
Please note, not every company or individual will know what type of work they need done. Usage of your web design portfolio will help to educate them about offered services and how they may be beneficial to their company’s development.

Critical Tips for a Web Design Portfolio

· Verbalize how you benefit businesses
· List your services along with details
· Explain portfolio pieces
· Include any client testimonials
· Place your best work up front
· Be Professional!

About CODANK Web Design

CODANK is a top rated Web Design and Internet Marketing firm located in Charlotte, NC. We are dedicated to provide the highest quality, cost effective custom software development services, delivering a broad range of business consulting and outsourcing services. For more information, visit us at

Monday, July 13, 2009

Who is Responsible for Your Company's Reputation?

Commercials, magazine articles, and billboards are all crafted for a single purpose – to present a company or product to the rest of the world. But, who and what are responsible for doing so? The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) may have some involvement but the grueling task falls solely on a company’s public relations department.

The main objective of the public relations department is to better develop a company’s reputation. They must display a message to consumers in the best light possible. Since the business world is so competitive, it is their duty to deliver information that is both interesting and appealing. Rather their marketing efforts are made through radio, TV, or magazine, every aspect should be developed to the best of its ability.

The staff that works within a public relations (also known as PR) department must be very skilled publicists. It is their duty to make sure a company keeps a praiseworthy reputation. Once a message has reached the public, they provide the necessary feedback to the business. Feedback is usually both negative and positive.

Publicists must possess certain talents in order to succeed in the marketing world. Keeping a high level of written, communication, and verbal skills is very important. Multi-tasking is also essential. To better understand the advertising work, many suggest having some type of media background or training.

The public relations department must be able to work well under pressure. Dealing with the public is not easy, so they should know how to cope with an enormous amount of questions. They must be able to handle criticism well by turning it around in order to guard the business’s reputation.

Businesses should make sure they select individuals who are able to fully present their image. Your reputation should be their number one priority above anything else.

About CODANK Web Design

CODANK is a top rated Web Design and Internet Marketing firm located in Charlotte, NC. We are dedicated to provide the highest quality, cost effective custom software development services, delivering a broad range of business consulting and outsourcing services. For more information, visit us at

Friday, July 10, 2009

The Importance of Web Hosting

So you have decided to create your own website and have already hired the perfect web designer. Great! But, before all of the glitz and glam of having a site can occur, you as the company or individual must take certain steps.

Your website process begins as soon as you decide on a hosting option. This decision is made through what is called a web hosting service. A web hosting service is a type of Internet hosting service that permits organizations and individuals to provide their own site available via the World Wide Web.

It is the responsibility of the web host to provide you with a space on a server that they may lease or own. They should also provide Internet connectivity for servers they do not have possession of.

A company or individual can also use your very own hosting service through your ISP (Internet Service Provider). For more details, it is important to contact your service provider and learn more about setting web pages up.
Since there are different types of “hosts”, hosting options can range from free to slightly expensive.

Types of Web Hosting Services
· Shared Web Hosting Service
· Reseller Web Hosting
· Grid Hosting
· Home Server
· Managed Hosting Service

Evaluating the requirements of an application is very critical when choosing what kind of host to use. Aspects such as Linux, MySQL, and PHP should also be looked over in the beginning.
If you or your company is not familiar with the technical portion of web design and hosting, obtaining a Web Content Management System would be wise.

About CODANK Web Design

CODANK is a top rated Web Design firm and Internet Marketing Experts located in Charlotte, NC. We are dedicated to provide the highest quality, cost effective custom software development services, delivering a broad range of business consulting and outsourcing services. For more information, visit us at

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Strategize with Proper Brand Management

What do Nike and Coca-Cola both have in common? Well, if you have not been living under a rock, you should know that both have become two of the most famous brands in the world. The simplicity of their names and their effects has paved the way for the development of a lot of today’s brands. But, how do these two brands create such an impact on our society? The answer falls into the category of Brand Management.

Using marketing techniques towards a specific product, product line, or brand by seeking to increase the product’s perceived value to the customer is defined as Brand Management. It not only means managing the brand, it also means managing the company in a total way for creating, making and keeping the brand promise. A brand promise is associated with the level of quality that people expect. This expectation is often perceived from information that a company delivers.

The person responsible for making a company’s asset (product or brand) more valuable is called a Brand Manager. The Brand Manager’s initial step is developing an overall business goal for the organization and its brand. The goal should include the brand’s purpose and what it stands for. A successful brand manager aims to build a successful strategy that maintains a strong image with their customers.

A Successful Brand should be:
· Recognizable
· Easy to translate into all languages – making it marketable for the entire world.
· Easy to pronounce
· Protected or trademarked
· Beneficial (suggest product benefits)

Without Brand Management you run the risk of weakening a brand and eventually destroying your company’s reputation. Make sure to develop a plan that aims to build brand value and not just generate profit.

About CODANK Web Design

CODANK is a top rated Web Design and Internet Marketing firm located in Charlotte, NC. We are dedicated to provide the highest quality, cost effective custom software development services, delivering a broad range of business consulting and outsourcing services. For more information, visit us at

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Web Streaming

Thinking outside of the box and using a different approach to online content is what makes marketing so unique these days. More and more companies are using live streaming to reach their most loyal customers. This method can be a powerful tool when promoting new products, presenting valuable information, and sometimes entertaining.

Web streaming is defined as the ability to deliver live video signals in real-time to web viewers.
Streaming video is commonly used for broadcasting news over the internet. CNN recently used live streaming for the Michael Jackson memorial service. Viewers were able to watch a minute-by-minute, live coverage of the ceremony due to the ability of real time video.

With the sudden appearance of moveable web-cameras, one of the most growing purposes for streaming videos is for video conferencing. This type of web streaming allows individuals to hear the voices and actually see the people they are interacting with. Video conferencing is frequently used by businesses to conduct conferences, meetings and training sessions over the internet.
If companies are serious about investing in web streaming then they should conduct critical research in order to explore the many possibilities that are involved. A few web streaming providers include: Adobe, Internap Network Services, and Microsoft Silverlight Streaming.

Steps to Live Streaming
· Select Recording Options
· Choose a Recording Wizard
· Choose a File
· Decide On Your Target Audience
· Select an Audio & Video Format
· Choose an Output File
· Encode your Video
· Publish Your Video to the Web

About CODANK Web Design

CODANK is a top rated Web Design and Internet Marketing firm located in Charlotte, NC. We are dedicated to provide the highest quality, cost effective custom software development services, delivering a broad range of business consulting and outsourcing services. For more information, visit us at

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

An Easy Way to Gain Visibility: Online Photo Sharing

With the advancement of technology, the opportunities of marketing yourself or your business have become endless. Gaining that much needed exposure is a simple click away! Today, online image hosting companies are lending a helping hand to marketers in the form of photo sharing.

Photo sharing grants you the opportunity to provide viewers with a representation of how you want to be perceived. An image, logo, or live photographs are all examples of content used for online photo sharing. Providing an illustration creates an everlasting effect that may be beneficial for you in the long run. Placing appropriate content is very important because one harmful image could be your downfall. For example, figure skater Nicole Bobek’s mugshot photos were viciously placed online. As a result, a negative perception of the star has been generated.
Sharing your photos online increases the amount of visibility you receive. Your business is able to reach an unlimited amount of individuals who surf the internet every single day.

Online networking sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, allow you the opportunity to post, edit, and share pictures. Users take advantage of this free tool every single minute and day of the week. The world's leader in online news and information delivery, CNN, uses Facebook to exhibit their photographic efforts. By using Facebook they are reaching a younger generation, but at the same time gaining more exposure. Some of their Facebook photo albums include: Election Night, Debates, Inauguration, and Behind the Scenes: On the Set.

Businesses and individuals should take advantage of the free online photo sharing sites. These sites include: Photobucket, Flickr, Picasa Web Albums (Google), and Facebook.

About CODANK Web Design

CODANK is a top rated Web Design and Internet Marketing firm located in Charlotte, NC. We are dedicated to provide the highest quality, cost effective custom software development services, delivering a broad range of business consulting and outsourcing services.

For more information, visit us at

Monday, July 6, 2009

Success Content Features

Can you guess what places websites at the top ranking spots? Well, if you haven’t studied Google’s top five pages recently then you wouldn’t have assumed good writing as the top key factor. They don’t hold the top positions because of their collection of photos or because of their organization skills, but consistently how much better written they are from the rest.
Normally, Google’s top five pages attain majority of the traffic delivered due to the highest searched keywords. These keywords lead the most viewers because they are placed within the content of each site. For example, if one of the most searched-on keywords is Charlotte Web Design, placing those keywords on your homepage will draw majority of Google’s unique viewers.
Many web designers tend to forget or often may not even understand the importance of having great written content. They get caught up in adding audio, pictures, and other types of web content before proper grammar and wording is in place.
Top Content Success Features
• Spelling & Grammar – Errors are common on most sites. You can eliminate these errors by using Microsoft Word’s spell check.
• Updates – Written content should be updated on a regular basis. Keeping content fresh will draw more and more viewers. Updates can be made monthly, weekly, or even daily.
• Lists – Bullets and numeric format is commonly used for text.
• Paragraphs – Long groups of text may turn visitors away. Keep paragraphs to a minimum of 1-4 sentences.
• Content Relevance –Text should include frequent words that are associated with top searched keywords.
Any written content should be reviewed by a professional writer or by someone who is good with words. You will avoid errors and the chances of running away your guests by doing so.
Also, we recommend that you frequently update your site in order to keep it new and innovative. Content Management is very helpful when it comes to updating and placing written matter on websites.
About CODANK Web Design

CODANK is a top rated Web Design and Internet Marketing firm located in Charlotte, NC. We are dedicated to provide the highest quality, cost effective custom software development services, delivering a broad range of business consulting and outsourcing services.

For more information, visit us at

Friday, July 3, 2009

How Much is Too Much: Internet Protection

Today’s internet usage has reached an all-time high. People from all walks of life, no matter young or old, are beginning to enjoy the fact of exploring the millions of sites available. From Facebook to Twitter, we all seem to enjoy it! But, browsing sites such as these aren’t as harmless as you may think.
With the increase in sudden internet users, companies and businesses are beginning to offer more and more online services. The option of paying bills, signing up for monthly email announcements, and seeking dating opportunities requires more than a simple yes or no. Your phone number, address, or date-of-birth is often needed and if you aren’t cautious you may be giving away too much.
The question on everyone’s minds – how much is too much? Where do you draw the line at providing more than what is really needed of your private information? More importantly, who is responsible for making sure that your personal data does not fall into the wrong hands?
Unluckily, private information and documents such as Michael Jackson’s autopsy photos seem to automatically become public. Once posted, it is available for any and everyone to see. Many believe that it should be a web design company’s duty to protect every internet user. What those people fail to realize, it is also a user’s responsibility to read the fine print! If you ever read, ‘We pledge never to sell, distribute, or disclose the information you provide to us to any third party’, than you know your information is safe.
CODANK Web Design of Charlotte’s top two tips for protecting your personal information –
1- Beware of sites that offer some type of reward/prize in exchange for contact information or other personal details.
2- Turn on cookie notices in web browser
About CODANK Web Design

CODANK is a top rated Web Design firm and Internet Marketing Experts located in Charlotte, NC. We are dedicated to provide the highest quality, cost effective custom software development services, delivering a broad range of business consulting and outsourcing services.

For more information, visit us at

Banking at Your Fingertips

If you haven’t heard, traveling all the way to the bank to make transactions is a thing of the past. No more writing checks and mailing them to the power company or calling your local branch to check on your account. With the advancement of technology, online banking has granted us the ability to save that much needed time into a few simple clicks.
Online banking is more manageable because it gives you the opportunity to check your bank account at a time and a place that convenient to you.As long as you have Internet access, you are able to handle your finances through online banking services. Banks, such as Wachovia and BB&T, all have websites available for their customers to manage their capital. The sites are equipped with financial applications (software created specifically for currency).
Online banking isn’t trying to scam you out of your money; financial transactions are both safe and secure. Navigating around the sites and even putting your complete trust into them may take time, but the time invested will pay off in the long run.
Key Facts about Online Banking
• Online transactions may be made 24 hours a day even on holidays, such as the Fourth of July, when bank branches are closed.
• Transactions are executed and verified faster than ATM processing speeds.
• Latest financial dealings, the ability to transfer money to other bank accounts, and applying for loans are all just a few online features.
• Time efficient; less time is needed to log on to banking services

About CODANK Web Design

CODANK is a top rated Web Design and Internet Marketing firm located in Charlotte, NC. We are dedicated to provide the highest quality, cost effective custom software development services, delivering a broad range of business consulting and outsourcing services.

For more information, visit us at