Friday, May 22, 2009

Search Engine On Your Website: Why or Why Not?

Many websites are designed so that the user, not necessarily knowing exactly what they’re after, can browse through links, follow banners that look appealing to them, and generally let the website create the flow. On the other hand, there are sites in which the visitor knows exactly what they’re looking for and any landing pages, links, or ads they have to sift through are only slowing them down and frustrating them. This information is for the latter, the website that has multiple pages and wants to be able to allow the visitors to access what they want directly.
We’ve all seen web design that includes search engines. Not like or, this is more like eBay or Amazon to name some famous ones. Can you imagine trying to find an item if you had to click only eBay’s links to find it? This is an extreme example of an inconvenient and frustrating web design but there are many smaller websites that are in need of a search engine. Including a search engine in your web design allows people to go directly to their desired information and this is good for both the user and the company.

There are many ways to allow users to search your site from your own site. Many times, good software is necessary to perform all the tasks involved in creating a personal search engine. Sometimes, you’ll end up spending some money on something that works for you. Usually something between $50 and $250 will do the trick. If this option doesn’t work for you, there are some free sites such as that allows you to add a search box to your website. Basically, you allow them to index your site and then they create HTML that directs the search back their remotely stored index and allows users to find what they searched for. This is only free for a small amount of information so if you have a lot of content, you will have to pay. Most of these options do require basic knowledge of your website and website design.

Adding a search engine box can be very valuable to your website. Usually it depends on whether your typical visitor is going to even know exactly what to search for. Use common sense and think about whether or not your average visitor will even find value in a search engine box. CODANK can consult, develop, and implement search solutions for your website. Call for a free quote today!

About CODANK Web Design of Charlotte
CODANK is top rated Web Design firm, and Internet Marketing Experts located in Charlotte, NC. We are dedicated to provide the highest quality, cost effective custom software development services, delivering a broad range of business consulting and outsourcing services. Here at CODANK, we understand that web design can present complex issues for our clients. That's why we work closely with you to develop a custom solution that will fit your every need. We take great pride in our ability to analyze each individual situation and apply the most appropriate, proven technologies in order to achieve the goals and objectives of the initiative.
We offer full application design and development services, world-class e-Commerce web development, and custom content management solutions to name a few. All of these products and services are backed by the most important asset CODANK has . . . employees. Each individual works diligently in an open teamwork atmosphere, to bring our clients superior products that deliver great results while providing friendly and responsive customer service. CODANK is your one-stop shop for a custom solution tailored to your specific issue.
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