Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Choosing Colors for Your Web Site

Having well-composed and structured content is only the beginning when it comes to creating a website. All the elements of the site - the structure, the content, the functionality, and the design - come together to create one cohesive look and feel. Your visitors will draw conclusions about you and your site during the first few seconds they visit, so it is important to make it aesthetically appealing and choose the right colors to affect the mood. Color is one of the best ways to send subliminal messages about who you are and what you want your visitor to think of your site; if utilized properly, your site's purpose and theme should be properly conveyed through color. So be sure to know color theory.

Warm colors are chosen for the energy, passion, and positivity they convey. Colors like these are used when you want to get a visitor's attention. However, these colors can be overpowering if used in excess. You should pick warm colors as accent colors and offset them with lighter tints, neutrals, or complementary cool colors to take the overwhelming edge off.

  • Red is the hottest of the three; it is associated with fire, violence, and warfare. However, it is also associated with love, passion, power, and excitement.

  • Orange conveys energy, happiness, and vitality, and is often associated with autumn and change. Whereas red can be overbearing, orange is friendly, warm and inviting.

  • Yellow is the brightest of the three colors and conveys happiness, hope, energy, and deceit; it is often associated with sunshine and can give a design a pleasing pop of color. Be careful, though; too much yellow can subconsciously irritate the user.

Cool colors are chosen for the calm, relaxed, and reserved feeling they invoke. These colors are good for sites that want to instill goodwill in their customer, such as insurance, health care, and financial oriented sites. In general, cool colors can be used as a main or an accent color; they can offer interest and color to a page without being overwhelming.

  • Green is a natural color; it conveys renewal, abundance, and stability. It is energetic yet can be calming, depending on the vibrancy of the hue.

  • Blue can convey sadness, but it can also invoke feelings of calm and responsibility. Bright blues can offer a pop of accent color while muted blues can offer a seamless transition.

  • Purple is often associated with creativity, royalty, and opulence. Lighter purples can be reminiscent of spring and romance, while dark purples can command pertinence and luxury.

Neutrals can be used for the main color of the site. They provide a pleasing backdrop to the content, drawing attention to the content instead of the design itself. When combined with accent colors, neutrals can create a pleasing design and showcase the finer details, drawing attention to the mood colors and providing wonderful contrast. Although these colors do have connotations associated with them, the colors that surround them determine the mood more than they do.

  • Black is a very powerful color and can indicate sophistication and modern detail; however, you should be careful about what colors you want to choose with it, since it is also associated with evil, death, and mystery.

  • White is a very pure, clean, and virtuous neutral; it is commonly used in minimalistic designs and is great for showcasing content and font.

  • Browns and tans can provide an earthy, natural feel. Warmer tones of brown can convey some of the characteristics of orange; it is friendly and genuine.

Choosing a color scheme can be difficult even with these things in mind. You can hire a web designer, like Codank Web Design, to talk about what kind of message you want to send your audience and what kind of feelings you want to convey.

About CODANK Web Design

CODANK is a top rated Web Design and Internet Marketing firm located in Charlotte, NC. We are dedicated to providing the highest quality, cost effective custom software development services, delivering a broad range of business consulting and outsourcing services.

For more information, visit us at

Monday, August 29, 2011

The Importance of Learning Web Standards

Most anyone can learn to create a basic web page using HTML. However, a lot of people who learn how to create webpages only know the basics or the old ways of doing things; they don't know about the latest web standards. Although writing code using old techniques does still work, there are many good reasons why web standards should be followed, and that goes beyond being prepared for old techniques to stop working in newer browsers. In addition to being future proof, you are doing yourself a lot of favors by learning and keeping up with the latest developments in web standards. For example:

It allows you to write more efficient code. Not only are you able to reuse code you've already written, but you are also doing your visitors a favor. By separating structure from style by placing all stylistic CSS elements in an external style sheet, you are able to make your pages load more quickly. Putting the same style elements on every single HTML file means that the browser has to read it every time it loads a new page. On the other hand, using an external style sheet allows browsers to cache the file and save users' bandwidth. The less time it takes to load a page, the more likely your visitors will want to stick around and browse.

Changes and updates are easy when you keep your pages written in plain XHTML and use an external style sheet. Instead of taking hours trying to find all the style elements in every single page - even with copying and pasting - you can make a change in one place and have it rendered throughout the entire site. Structural changes are easier to make too without all those style elements cluttering the document.

Universal usability is ensured. This means that alternate content is provided for people without sight or hearing, as well as people with different input devices. For example, the blind can access information on a web site using a screen reader, but cannot see any images accompanying the text. In this case, alternate text is provided that describes the image. Elements on the page should be properly marked up too. For instance, by placing more than two items, such as navigation links, into a list, then it will make it easier for people with disabilities to navigate.

Crossplatform and device compatibility should also be kept in mind. When following web standards, you make sure that all your bases are covered; your web site can be accessed from any browser and any device. This is where using an external style sheet also comes into play. When accessing sites from mobile browsers, the critical information (the structure and content) is rendered while the stylistic information can be adjusted to fit the screen size and browser. Being compatible with many platforms and devices will also get you higher rankings and visibility on search engines like Google; this is called search engine optimization (SEO).

With all these benefits, it's hard to see why anyone wouldn't want to learn and follow the latest web standards. It may take some time to get in the habit of using them, but it'll be well worth it in the future.

About CODANK Web Design

CODANK is a top rated Web Design and Internet Marketing firm located in Charlotte, NC. We are dedicated to providing the highest quality, cost effective custom software development services, delivering a broad range of business consulting and outsourcing services.

For more information, visit us at

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Tips for Better Web Usability

A well-designed web site should be intuitive and easy to use. Some people may think that having a flashy looking site is best; however, it's what you do with your content and how you structure it that makes a difference. Designing a site for web usability may take a little more work, but it's worth your time to look into following the rules for good design; the subtle mistakes throw visitors off more than most people are aware.

Usually, people using the Internet are in a hurry to find the information they're looking for; therefore, one of the most important things to do is to make your pages easy to scan. People don't tend to read online; they tend to skim over the material. What's more, they don't usually skim through the entire page before deciding whether it's worthy of a more thorough read. Studies have shown that people scan pages in an F shape, so the most important information should be placed at the top of the page - particularly in the first two paragraphs. You should also chunk your material into logical sections, using lists, headings and subheadings, and strong or emphasized text for important keywords. Making your content easy to follow will benefit both you and your visitors.

Many of us know the frustration of looking for a specific topic or page and being unable to find it from the main menu. Sometimes it takes a lot of digging to get to the right page. Because of this, designers have started to include sitemaps. Sitemaps are hierarchical representations of the site structure; they help visitors see what pages are available and where they can go. They are especially helpful for large websites with many pages and subpages. Not only do they make the site more friendly to users who are browsing, but they also improve your site's search engine optimization. Web crawlers can use the sitemap instead of the main navigation to index pages of your site, thus giving you more links in search results and more exposure.

Another thing that will make your site easier to use is to keep your design and structure consistent. This can be achieved by using CSS and external style sheets, so that the whole site's design is derived from the same file. Navigation should be in the same place throughout your site - and it should be simple as well. Though more complex or representative designs can be aesthetically appealing, it's best to stick to a simple, straightforward design, something that people are expecting and used to.

Finally, you should do your best to structure your forms so users will know what sort of information to enter. Similar terms should be properly labeled and chunked into groups. People need to know what's expected of them to enter, so it's good to have an example of the information you want. If not all the information is correctly entered, the site should offer feedback telling the user what section was wrong and what needs to be done to correct it. You should do everything you can to make it easy for the user.

These tips just scratch the surface of web usability. For the best results, you should consult with an experienced web design company, like Codank Web Design, and find out what you can do to give your site the extra boost it needs.

About CODANK Web Design

CODANK is a top rated Web Design and Internet Marketing firm located in Charlotte, NC. We are dedicated to providing the highest quality, cost effective custom software development services, delivering a broad range of business consulting and outsourcing services.

For more information, visit us at

Monday, August 22, 2011

Security Risks Involved in Offshore Application Development

These days, it seems as though expense outweighs all other factors, even quality and security. People will try to find new ways to get what they want at a cheap price, disregarding any consequences. However, while this may be fine for most retail items, it is not the case in all facets of living. When it comes to who you trust with your personal information and the inner workings of your business, you certainly don't want to let just anyone in on it. With many companies sending their work overseas to developers they've never met but who will complete the project for less money, realizing what risks are involved is more important than ever. Even if you think you're working with someone trustworthy, you can't be certain that your information is safe.

The first thing you need to be aware of has to do with code security. When you hire someone to help you develop any sort of application, then you need to be able to trust them to keep your code exclusively for your company. However, when you are not able to have local contact with a developer, he or she can easily take your code and use it for another project; they could even sell it to your competitor. If you are trying to create something innovative or fill a market niche, this can severely hurt your business. You need to hire someone who you can prove is trustworthy.

Along the same lines, hiring someone who you can't meet with and speak to in person could cause you to unwittingly spread your idea around to others. Not only could the developer take the idea for himself, but he could also sell it to many other people around the world. Again, if you want to develop an application that is unique and fills a market demand, and if you want to come out ahead of other companies, then it is best to hire someone you can talk to in person and get to know before trusting him with your ideas.

The final and most important point to consider is that you want to be careful with your sensitive personal information and your customer's personal information. You have to remember - when sending work overseas, you lose control over who sees your information. If the person you hired is not trustworthy or reliable, then he could use that information for his own personal benefit or sell it to others. Not only would you lose customer rapport and trust, but you could also risk losing money and having your identity or someone else's identity stolen.

With all these things in mind, it is best not to risk your business concept or your security by hiring someone you can't see face-to-face. Although offshore application development may seem cheap, it is better to hire a local developer, like Codank Application Development. Risks can never be eliminated, but they will be diminished by hiring someone you can trust and know in person so you can keep a close eye on the process.

About CODANK Application Development and Web Design

CODANK is a top rated Application Development, Web Design, and Internet Marketing firm located in Charlotte, NC. We are dedicated to providing the highest quality, cost effective custom software development services, delivering a broad range of business consulting and outsourcing services.

For more information, visit us at

Thursday, August 18, 2011

How Cheap Design Is Expensive

Choosing a web designer for your company's website can be a daunting task. With so many options out there, you might not know where to start. However, chances are that you're in the market for the cheapest solution available. Although it may seem economical and effective at first glance, many companies find that they get what they paid for - and end up having to spend more money in order to fix their site so they can have a professional online presence.

From our experience, we have found that clients who picked a designer who wasn't professional ended up spending twice as much money in order to clean up the mess or finish the job. Many cheaper web designers do not have as much knowledge, skill, or experience; therefore, designs can be cluttered or messy, and they don't always serve the purpose desired. Even if it seems outwardly appealing at first glance, when it comes time to update your site or make changes, you might be in for a nasty surprise. Designers and developers who don't adhere to web standards or good structure can write code that is difficult to change, even when it comes to simply updating content. Cheap web designs are likely not to follow web standards or rules for good search engine optimization either. Your site could end up being inaccessible to customers due to issues with universal usability or because it was buried under many pages of results in a search engine. Problems like these can cost your company a lot of money to set right. There is no way to compensate for the lost time or the lost business.

As the mistakes become more and more apparent, businesses have to look for other designers to fix it. If they make the same mistake of hiring someone for a price that seems like a steal because they aren't as experienced, then they run the risk of continuing in the cycle until they finally do find someone knowledgeable. By this time, the company has spent more money than they bargained for, and more than they would have if they'd contacted a respectable designer or company in the first place.

With these things in mind, if you are in the market for a website, then do your research and get to know the skill level of your designer before agreeing to work with him or her. Companies, like Codank Web Design, are the best place to start your search. So don't go the cheap route and end up with a website that will cost you time and money; go with someone you know is reputable. It will save you much grief later.

About CODANK Web Design

CODANK is a top rated Web Design and Internet Marketing firm located in Charlotte, NC. We are dedicated to providing the highest quality, cost effective custom software development services, delivering a broad range of business consulting and outsourcing services.

For more information, visit us at

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Meaningful Websites – Websites Built on Strategy

When developing a website for your company, you should have a website strategy similar to your business strategy. You want your website to be a direct and accurate representation of your business and your company's values. Therefore, it is increasingly important to plan ahead and answer questions about your website's purpose; every decision is centered around the goal you want to accomplish.

The first thing you should do is identify your company's goals for having a website. Depending on how much you want to market online, you might have many pages or only a few. Identifying your company's goal for having the website will also help you in building content, which is undeniably the most important thing when it comes to being noticed and putting yourself out there. You should be able to identify several keywords pertaining to your company and your goal and write your content around them. This will further your visibility and gain more visitors through search engines.

Another thing to think about when it comes to website strategies is how many visitors you want to be coming to your site. If you are running an e-commerce site, for example, then you will want to make as many sales as possible; therefore, you will try to make your site as visible as possible. Search engine optimization is a prime way to start, but it isn't enough. You should also look into link building by posting and making sure your URL is posted on as many different websites as possible, through recommendations and blogs.

Finally, your design and structure should have meaning that relates to the purpose. Think of your topic and your audience and build your design around it. Use color theory and color schemes to convey the appropriate mood for your subject. For example, red conveys feelings of excitement while blue conveys feelings of security and comfort. It would be appropriate to use bright red accent colors for a restaurant website, whereas it might not work as well to convey the security people need for an investment website. The design matters too – more business oriented websites are usually simpler and cleaner in appearance, whereas sites geared towards entertainment are flashier and complex in design. Images should be taken into account as well; they should enhance the written content on the page instead of serving as placeholders, and contain filenames, keywords, and descriptions that relate to your subject.

Building a successful website can be a lot of work but it is more than rewarding in the end. If you want to make the most of your online channel, then be sure to give your site a lot of thought instead of throwing up a few quick webpages. A website is so much more than a name – it is your company's digital presence. In order to create and maintain an accurate representation of you and your company, you can hire a web designer or developer, like Codank Web Design, to help you build your site today.

About CODANK Web Design

CODANK is a top rated Web Design and Internet Marketing firm located in Charlotte, NC. We are dedicated to providing the highest quality, cost effective custom software development services, delivering a broad range of business consulting and outsourcing services.

For more information, visit us at

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Benefits of Offering a Company Newsletter

Newsletters have been around longer than the Internet. By now, some may think their use is archaic due to the social networking platforms we have today - Facebook, Twitter, and Blogspot, for example. Instead of fading out with the changing times, however, newsletters have evolved, and many companies provide the option of subscribing to them and receiving them through email. You might be tempted to pass up the opportunity because you could easily post a few short news articles to your website, but then you'd be missing out on a prime opportunity to draw in customers and keep them coming back for more.

One thing you should keep in mind is that visitors - and customers - will not always be coming back to your site. Even if they do, there's a more than likely chance they do not check the site news frequently. The best way to ensure that they see your latest company news, pre-release information and deals, and product promotions is to give visitors the option of signing up for your newsletter. It gives you a direct connection to your customers and allows you to reach out to them. If you regularly use that connection, it will keep the customer interested and will keep your brand in the forefront of his or her mind.

Another benefit to consider has to do with time and cost efficiency. Once you write the newsletter and the email list is automatically compiled, then it's a snap to send it out. Not to mention it's a lot cheaper than regular advertising, and it can be very effective if utilized correctly. By branding your newsletter with your company name, your logo, links back to your site, and a custom design, you are able to gain more traffic - and possibly profits too. You ensure that your message, your company name, and your product gets out at minimum cost. What's more, email newsletters have the potential to grow exponentially as the word spreads.

Using a newsletter is an instant, easy, and cost-effective solution to staying in touch with your customers, both one time visitors and loyal buyers. They're quick and easy to subscribe to, and customers can read them on their own time on any device they please. Going a step farther and personalizing your newsletters can further customer goodwill and have them coming back again and again.

About CODANK Web Design

CODANK is a top rated Web Design and Internet Marketing firm located in Charlotte, NC. We are dedicated to providing the highest quality, cost effective custom software development services, delivering a broad range of business consulting and outsourcing services.

For more information, visit us at

Monday, August 8, 2011

The Importance of Having a Mobile Website

Technology becomes more advanced every year. One trend that has surfaced over the past several years is mobile Internet. These days, many cell phones have Internet capability, and people are taking advantage of that. The convenience of being able to look up information, updates, and news on the go is too good to pass up - and it's not going to go away. In fact, the number of people who access the Internet through mobile devices, like smart phones, is increasing at a shockingly high rate. However, there is a catch; mobile browsers are not yet advanced enough to properly display regular websites. For this reason, many big name websites have a stripped down mobile version of their site.

Even if your business is not as large as Amazon or Yahoo, you should take advantage of the technology. More and more people are using their smart phones to access the Internet. It is estimated that at least 20% of the population uses mobile Internet; that's a large chunk of potential customers you might be alienating. Small and local businesses can especially benefit from having a mobile version of the site. It makes them accessible to busy people on the go, and gives them more exposure on search engines like Google. Having a mobile version of the site will increase your rankings and optimize your search engine results, so you can expand your business.

It should also be noted that people are making more and more purchases on their smart phones and mobile devices. Over the past several years, purchases made through mobile devices have skyrocketed. The convenience of instant access allows customers to browse and buy whenever they want. If you have an eCommerce site of any kind, then it would be beneficial to offer a mobile version so people can shop on their own time anytime.

Although it may require a little extra work to get a mobile version of your site created and launched, you can hire a web designer, like Codank Web Design, to create it for you, and it will be well worth the additional exposure your company will receive. Mobile Internet is the technology of the present and the future. It's only going to become more common, so stay ahead of the curve and stay on top of universal usability.

About CODANK Web Design

CODANK is a top rated Web Design and Internet Marketing firm located in Charlotte, NC. We are dedicated to providing the highest quality, cost effective custom software development services, delivering a broad range of business consulting and outsourcing services.

For more information, visit us at

Friday, August 5, 2011

Templates vs. Custom Web Design

When it comes to launching a website for you company, a template might seem like the best way to go. After all, many templates are free, and others seem ready-to-go with little cost and little hassle compared to making the site yourself or hiring someone to make it. Quick, easy, functional. That's what you might think at first, but there are some things to consider before you decide to use a template for your company's web site.

The first thing you should realize is that you have limited customization options with templates. Although you can make some changes, it can be difficult to do, especially if you have little or no experience with HTML and CSS. Some templates have so many strangely named files that you'd be lucky to even find the correct one, much less make a lot of major aesthetic changes.

That brings us to the next point - originality. With limited customization options, and with so many businesses out there looking for a "cheap and easy" solution, you will end up having the same design as another company. Your company will blend in with the crowd instead of standing out. Your website speaks for you and your company; visitors will draw conclusions based on your web presence. Remember, you want to be as memorable and professional on the Web as you would be in person. You want to make a good impression.

The final, and most important point, is that you will have to go in and make changes to the coding. Templates do not contain meta data about your company so making sure your site is optimized for search engines is your responsibility. Not to mention templates do not always conform to web standards, such as universal usability. This means that you will have to have the knowledge, skill, and tools to know where to look and how to change the coding. It can end up taking more time than necessary for a less than stellar result.

Although templates may seem like a quick and easy solution, they can end up taking more time, money, and effort. Hiring a web designer or developer, like Codank Web Design, to create your site is beneficial to you in the end. It will be done right the first time. So if you want your site to be accessible, visible to search engines, and uniquely attractive, a custom web design is the way to go.

About CODANK Web Design

CODANK is a top rated Web Design and Internet Marketing firm located in Charlotte, NC. We are dedicated to providing the highest quality, cost effective custom software development services, delivering a broad range of business consulting and outsourcing services.

For more information, visit us at

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Web Design as a Business Investment

Having an online presence is important for businesses to succeed in today's competitive environment. Many people use the Internet to shop, to compare companies and prices, and to search for products and information. The good news is that having a web presence costs less than having a physical presence, and it allows you to reach a wider range of customers. However, if poorly built and maintained, a web site will frustrate users and result in the loss of visitors and sales.

At this point, you might be tempted to look into free or cheap templates. You might wonder why it matters how the web site is created as long as it looks nice and seems to work. However, considering how many free templates are not up to snuff with web standards, you might find yourself spending much more money and time fixing the faulty coding. Web standards are in place to ensure sites work the same across browsers and operating systems and are accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities. This will prevent you from alienating a group of users - and quite possibly a good percentage of customers. A well designed web site is also easier to maintain and change, saving you time and money. Above all, remember that your web site speaks about you and your company; you want to make a good impression.

Now that you see how important proper web design is, you might be wondering when you will have the time to set a proper site up. The good news is that you don't have to - Codank web design can do it for you. You provide the business information, the concept, and the content, and we work to make your dream site a reality. Our team consists of highly trained and experienced individuals who will work with you and listen to your desires and concerns. Codank will provide you with a site that is not only aesthetically pleasing, but accessible and highly visible to search engines (SEO). In addition, maintaining your new site is a snap using our content management system. You can put up new information just like that. So contact Codank, Charlotte NC website Design Company, today for a consultation , and you can relax knowing your web site is in good hands.

About CODANK Web Design

CODANK is a top rated Web Design and Internet Marketing firm located in Charlotte, NC. We are dedicated to providing the highest quality, cost effective custom software development services, delivering a broad range of business consulting and outsourcing services.

For more information, visit us at