Monday, August 22, 2011

Security Risks Involved in Offshore Application Development

These days, it seems as though expense outweighs all other factors, even quality and security. People will try to find new ways to get what they want at a cheap price, disregarding any consequences. However, while this may be fine for most retail items, it is not the case in all facets of living. When it comes to who you trust with your personal information and the inner workings of your business, you certainly don't want to let just anyone in on it. With many companies sending their work overseas to developers they've never met but who will complete the project for less money, realizing what risks are involved is more important than ever. Even if you think you're working with someone trustworthy, you can't be certain that your information is safe.

The first thing you need to be aware of has to do with code security. When you hire someone to help you develop any sort of application, then you need to be able to trust them to keep your code exclusively for your company. However, when you are not able to have local contact with a developer, he or she can easily take your code and use it for another project; they could even sell it to your competitor. If you are trying to create something innovative or fill a market niche, this can severely hurt your business. You need to hire someone who you can prove is trustworthy.

Along the same lines, hiring someone who you can't meet with and speak to in person could cause you to unwittingly spread your idea around to others. Not only could the developer take the idea for himself, but he could also sell it to many other people around the world. Again, if you want to develop an application that is unique and fills a market demand, and if you want to come out ahead of other companies, then it is best to hire someone you can talk to in person and get to know before trusting him with your ideas.

The final and most important point to consider is that you want to be careful with your sensitive personal information and your customer's personal information. You have to remember - when sending work overseas, you lose control over who sees your information. If the person you hired is not trustworthy or reliable, then he could use that information for his own personal benefit or sell it to others. Not only would you lose customer rapport and trust, but you could also risk losing money and having your identity or someone else's identity stolen.

With all these things in mind, it is best not to risk your business concept or your security by hiring someone you can't see face-to-face. Although offshore application development may seem cheap, it is better to hire a local developer, like Codank Application Development. Risks can never be eliminated, but they will be diminished by hiring someone you can trust and know in person so you can keep a close eye on the process.

About CODANK Application Development and Web Design

CODANK is a top rated Application Development, Web Design, and Internet Marketing firm located in Charlotte, NC. We are dedicated to providing the highest quality, cost effective custom software development services, delivering a broad range of business consulting and outsourcing services.

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