Friday, August 5, 2011

Templates vs. Custom Web Design

When it comes to launching a website for you company, a template might seem like the best way to go. After all, many templates are free, and others seem ready-to-go with little cost and little hassle compared to making the site yourself or hiring someone to make it. Quick, easy, functional. That's what you might think at first, but there are some things to consider before you decide to use a template for your company's web site.

The first thing you should realize is that you have limited customization options with templates. Although you can make some changes, it can be difficult to do, especially if you have little or no experience with HTML and CSS. Some templates have so many strangely named files that you'd be lucky to even find the correct one, much less make a lot of major aesthetic changes.

That brings us to the next point - originality. With limited customization options, and with so many businesses out there looking for a "cheap and easy" solution, you will end up having the same design as another company. Your company will blend in with the crowd instead of standing out. Your website speaks for you and your company; visitors will draw conclusions based on your web presence. Remember, you want to be as memorable and professional on the Web as you would be in person. You want to make a good impression.

The final, and most important point, is that you will have to go in and make changes to the coding. Templates do not contain meta data about your company so making sure your site is optimized for search engines is your responsibility. Not to mention templates do not always conform to web standards, such as universal usability. This means that you will have to have the knowledge, skill, and tools to know where to look and how to change the coding. It can end up taking more time than necessary for a less than stellar result.

Although templates may seem like a quick and easy solution, they can end up taking more time, money, and effort. Hiring a web designer or developer, like Codank Web Design, to create your site is beneficial to you in the end. It will be done right the first time. So if you want your site to be accessible, visible to search engines, and uniquely attractive, a custom web design is the way to go.

About CODANK Web Design

CODANK is a top rated Web Design and Internet Marketing firm located in Charlotte, NC. We are dedicated to providing the highest quality, cost effective custom software development services, delivering a broad range of business consulting and outsourcing services.

For more information, visit us at

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