Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A Brand New Content Management System – CMSenabled

All Content Management Systems are uniquely created to provide companies and individuals with full control and management of almost anything – documents, images, product descriptions, and so much more.

CMSenabled is an innovatively designed content management system that allows those who license it to build and manage flexible driven websites. This CMS tool makes it easy for non-technical users to create and maintain both fully functional sites and applications.

Our clients use CMSenabled to piece together organized, easy-to-use websites needed to effectively connect with their online visitors. Each feature is designed to assist with everything from creating content types to customizable layouts. No other CMS tool can compare to the features of CMSenabled.

CMSenabled was not built to be your average Content Management system. Its core benefit is the benefit to be creative in not only design but also functionality. As a user, you are not limited to a standard site blueprint. Take advantage of all of our features, for they were designed with you, the non-technical user, in mind.

To learn more about CMSenabled, visit

The Importance of Blogging

Blogs are a great way to enhance search engine optimization strategies in today’s Internet world. Posting content to outside bloggers, as well as hosting and maintaining your very own blog, are tactful ways that all search engine optimization professionals should consider.

A web blog is described as a collection of text, images, and video that is usually updated in chronological order on a daily or weekly basis. The activity of updating the content is known as blogging.

It is said that blog platforms are built for search. By adding content, names, tags, keywords, and links to a blog are all ways to increase the chances of you being found. Visitors are able to find you through search engines, such as Google and Yahoo, or through other blog sites.

A majority of web blogs are free and easy-to-use. On the other hand, some web sites require you to pay a fee per post or just a flat fee.

Free Available Web Blogs

The following are a few ways in which blogs should be part of a company’s search engine optimization plan:

RSS – Rich Site Summary feeds syndicated content to search engines, as well as other web properties
Inbound links – Most bloggers tend to link to one another, as well as to news, social media, and websites. External blogs are a great source for inbound links. It is a possibility that a link can go to either your web site or to your very own blog.
Frequent updates – Keeping updated content is what attracts more search engine crawlers to your web site.
Internal links – Creating deep links within your content can help with visibility and awareness.

About CODANK Charlotte Web Design

CODANK is a top Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company located in Charlotte, NC. The company is dedicated to providing a broad range of web design services. CODANK specializes in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Graphic Design, Online Marketing, and Web Design and Development.

For more information, visit CODANK Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company at

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Using External JavaScripts

It is best not to put any JavaScripts inside a web page. Placing JavaScripts inside a web page can cause clutter. Search engines normally cannot reach important content and information if you have a cluttered web site.

JavaScript is an object-oriented scripting language used to enable programmatic access to objects within different applications. It is normally implemented as an integrated component of the web browser, allowing the development of enhanced user interfaces and dynamic websites.

Despite the name (JavaScript), it is essentially unrelated to the Java programming language even though the two have numerous similarities. JavaScript is a trademark of Sun Microsystems. It was used under license for technology invented and implemented by Netscape Communications and current entities such as the Mozilla Foundation.

Search Engine Optimization professionals suggest to place all JavaScripts in an external file. It is best to use external JavaScripts for various reasons. According to Search Engine Optimization for Dummies: 3RD edition by Peter Kent, these reasons include:

They’re safer outside the HTML file – they are less likely to be damaged while making any changes to the HTML
JavaScripts are easier to reuse – simply store the script externally and change the external file to automatically change the script in any number of pages
They are easier to manage externally – place all of the scripts in one directory for better organization
The download time is slightly shorter – If you use the same script in multiple pages, the browser downloads the script once and caches it.
Doing so removes clutter from your pages!

About CODANK Charlotte Web Design

CODANK is a top Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company located in Charlotte, NC. The company is dedicated to providing a broad range of web design services. CODANK specializes in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Graphic Design, Online Marketing, and Web Design and Development.

For more information, visit CODANK Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company at

Monday, March 29, 2010

Customer Service 101

Providing your clients or customers will all their needs and wants is very important when hoping to help your business grow. You and your staff’s attitude and work ethic towards the people that you serve can dictate the amount of loyal customers you attain.

The one thing that a lot of companies guarantee to their clients is often superb customer service. According to, customer service is defined as a series of activities designed to enhance the level of customer satisfaction – that is, the feeling that a product or service has met the customer expectation.

Customer service varies by product, industry, and customer. Some companies prefer to offer promotions and slash prices to bring in as many customers as they can. The essence of good customer service is forming a relationship with customers. Building positive relationships with clients will help to make them feel a lot more comfortable with giving you their money and time.

Great Customer Service Tips for Your Business

Listen to your clients – pay attention to what your customers want and need. Do not ignore them. Make the appropriate responses in order to make them happy
Do not make promises you cannot keep - reliability is one of the keys to any good relationship, and good customer service is no exception.
Work out complaints – you are not able to please everyone, but try to give your attention to the majority of the complaints you receive.

Be personable – people like to ask questions, and because of this you and your staff should be approachable. Keep a positive attitude and be nice to your customers.
When it comes to superb customer service, T-Mobile has continued to rank among the highest in numerous regions throughout the US in wireless customer care.

About CODANK Charlotte Web Design

CODANK is a top Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company located in Charlotte, NC. The company is dedicated to providing a broad range of web design services. CODANK specializes in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Graphic Design, Online Marketing, and Web Design and Development.

For more information, visit CODANK Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company at

Friday, March 26, 2010

Send Out an Email Blast

One of the Internet’s most persuasive and lucrative tools available for businesses of all types is Email Marketing. This type of marketing provides businesses with another way to reach their demanding target audiences. Daily, bi-weekly, or monthly emails assist in providing awareness of their brand. Because of use of the World Wide Web is continuing to rise, businesses of all types should take advantage of this impressive opportunity.

According to, email marketing is defined as a form of direct marketing which uses electronic mail as a means of communicating messages to an audience.

Advantages of E-mail Marketing

Less expensive than printed and direct mail
Provides the ability to distribute information to a wide range of specific, potential customers
Messages are easy to track
E-mail is popular with digital marketers
Internet users typically check or send e-mail everyday

A specific form of e-mail marketing is known as email blast. E-blast is a digital form of direct mail. No paper or printing is required, a message can be sent directly to a targeted group of individuals. This option allows businesses flexibility in messaging and timing. An email blast is normally used to inform customers or potential clients about product launches, upcoming events, and various other company tid bits. HTML e-mail announcements with a business’s logo, images, links, and text are commonly used within an e-blast.

All email blasts can be customized to accurately convey a message to target markets. Before sending a message, a company should outline the specific points they are hoping to get across.

About CODANK Charlotte Web Design

CODANK is a top Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company located in Charlotte, NC. The company is dedicated to providing a broad range of web design services. CODANK specializes in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Graphic Design, Online Marketing, and Web Design and Development.

For more information, visit CODANK Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company at

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Setting a Budget for Your Business

Deciding to do your very own search engine optimization requires more than just your time. It is very important to set aside a budget for your seo just as much as it is to set aside funds for your other forms of marketing. There are a few steps in your seo plan that entails financial investment.

It may not be necessary to hire a company to do your search engine optimization, but it is suggested to give your company the best chance to increase rankings, draw in more traffic, and beat your direct competitors. To give your web site that opportunity, a budget is required.

There are many costs which are involved in getting a web site up and running. All small businesses and entrepreneurs should avoid free web hosting. A domain name is required. It can be purchased for less than $10.

There are certain aspects that cannot be avoided. Normally, web hosting cost can range anything from $5 per month to hundreds of dollars depending on the type of hosting required.

Web Design and Development Costs (provided by Search Engine Optimization by Kristopher B. Jones)

Keyword Research Costs – quality keyword research and analysis tools can be a necessity depending on the size of your project. This is normally one of the first investments that any seo specialist makes.
Link-building Costs – Choosing to pay for links is possibly the most influential factors on your search engine rankings.
Content Development Costs – You may decide to outsource content creation to skilled copywriters who write at an hourly rate. These rates vary depending on the skill and experience of the writer.

About CODANK Charlotte Web Design

CODANK is a top Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company located in Charlotte, NC. The company is dedicated to providing a broad range of web design services. CODANK specializes in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Graphic Design, Online Marketing, and Web Design and Development.

For more information, visit CODANK Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company at

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Choosing a Topic For Your Site

If you have decided to craft a web site from scratch and do not have any previously developed web site to begin working on, deciding on a topic for your site is the first step. This step is very important because it sets the ground-work for a successful search engine optimization plan.

The topic in which you choose can have an impressive effect on both the quality of the results your SEO achieves as well as the speed at which you can achieve them. Web sites with more competitive topics have a more difficult time increasing their rankings than less competitive topic web sites.

Highly competitive topics include:

Debt relief
Prescription medications

Businesses and companies that choose to use the topics from above can be extremely beneficial if they manage to draw in a substantial amount of visitors. If you are starting your web site from scratch in hopes of becoming profitable quickly, it may not be a good idea to start by focusing on these highly competitive terms. Sites such as these have likely been around for many years, contain a large amount of content, and possess thousands of inbound links.

Optimizing for less competitive topics can provide quicker and more impressive ranking results. If you are developing a site for web design, consider focusing on a specific topic within the overall topic of “web design”, such as “Charlotte Web Design” or even more specific “Charlotte, North Carolina Web Design”.

For additional information in choosing a topic for your web site, be sure to read Search Engine Optimization by Kristopher B. Jones

About CODANK Charlotte Web Design

CODANK is a top Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company located in Charlotte, NC. The company is dedicated to providing a broad range of web design services. CODANK specializes in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Graphic Design, Online Marketing, and Web Design and Development.

For more information, visit CODANK Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company at

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Entrepreneur Skills

It takes a lot of commitment and determination to be a business owner. Not everyone possesses the qualities to succeed at running their own company. One of the most common reasons why businesses fail is because the owner does not have business experience or knowledge in the field in which they have entered.

Before embarking on a new venture, it is a good idea to assess whether you have the right talents and characteristics to successfully run a business of any sort.

Black Enterprise: Guide to Starting Your Own Business by Wendy Beech provides readers with certain skills and personal qualities that entrepreneurs should possess. They include:

Business experience – Having business experience is not a prerequisite to starting your own company. Whether it is in web design, customer service, accounting, or market research, majority of soon-to-be business owners have some knowledge and experience in the field they hope to enter.
Leadership skills – There is a big difference between being a good manager and being a strong leader. As an entrepreneur, you will be responsible for handling problems, giving guidance and support for your staff, and running your business.
A sacrificial attitude – Becoming an entrepreneur requires working up to ten or even twelve hours, seven days a week. You will have to sacrifice a regular paycheck and free time when operating your own business.
Organizational skills – Organization is essential to building a successful business. You will have to keep up with everything that goes in your operation.
Strong interpersonal skills – To be successful, you must be able to work well with a variety of people and personalities. You will have to deal with customers, employees, suppliers, accountants, lawyers, and so on.

About CODANK Charlotte Web Design

CODANK is a top Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company located in Charlotte, NC. The company is dedicated to providing a broad range of web design services. CODANK specializes in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Graphic Design, Online Marketing, and Web Design and Development.

For more information, visit CODANK Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company at

Monday, March 22, 2010

Getting a Head Start

People choose to buy a business rather than start one from scratch for different reasons. The primary reason is that it gives them a head start on ownership. Buying an already established business decreases the amount of time it takes to become an entrepreneur and the risks involved.

It is widely known that half of all new businesses fail within their first four years of operation. The #1 cause of business failures includes lack of sufficient capital. For people who would like to start their own company with a greater chance of survival, acquisition seems to be the best option to go with.

Black Enterprise: Guide to Starting Your Own Business by Wendy Beech has outlined a few advantages of buying a business. They include:

Immediate cash flow – As the purchaser of a reputable company, you have existing inventory and accounts receivable. They can generate cash flow from the very first day you take over the business.

Existing reputation – When buying a business, you are automatically associated with an established and reputable name. Customers, vendors, and business colleagues already know you and aren’t hesitant to do business with you.

Ready Made-Staff – The employees normally know the business inside-out, so you will save the considerable money and time you would typically spend training new recruits.

Recognized market positioning – A marketing communications campaign (i.e. advertising, promotions, and public relations) has already been established. Therefore, you are aware of how to position your products and services. Prices have been set and you know exactly who your target market consist of.

About CODANK Charlotte Web Design

CODANK is a top Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company located in Charlotte, NC. The company is dedicated to providing a broad range of web design services. CODANK specializes in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Graphic Design, Online Marketing, and Web Design and Development.

For more information, visit CODANK Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company at

Friday, March 19, 2010

The Importance of a Business Broker

Hiring a professional business broker is probably the best thing you could do when trying to find a business to purchase. Business brokers deal exclusively in locating enterprises for interested buyers. They are qualified in distinguishing between the money makers and those who are less fortunate.

According to, business brokers, also called business transfer agents or intermediaries, assist buyers and sellers of privately held small business in the buying and selling process. They typically estimate the value of the business and then advertise it for sale with or without disclosing its identity.

Below, Black Enterprise: Guide to Starting Your Own Business by Wendy Beech has provided some services that a broker performs to help make your business shopping a success:

Selects potential candidates – This process helps to eliminate any business that may not be a good choice. Your broker will evaluate businesses for sale to determine whether they have any major problems.

Defines your needs and wants – A good broker is able to help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, and then matches them against the businesses that are for sale.

Prepares any necessary paperwork – Business brokers are aware of all of the procedures required to secure permits, licenses, financial records, tax returns and other documents needed during the negotiation and closing process.

Negotiates the sale – A business broker is there to tell the seller if the price is too high, and are even there to suggest what would have to be done to complete the deal.

About CODANK Charlotte Web Design

CODANK is a top Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company located in Charlotte, NC. The company is dedicated to providing a broad range of web design services. CODANK specializes in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Graphic Design, Online Marketing, and Web Design and Development.

For more information, visit CODANK Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company at

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Preparing Your Business for the Internet

Before establishing a presence on the World Wide Web, there are a few things that you will need to make that happen. As a business owner, you will need to decide if you will be using the Internet as a tool for retrieving information for your business or for providing details about the products and services to potential clients, suppliers, customers and others. Indicating your Internet needs will make it easier to choose what hardware and software you will need in order to achieve your goals.

According to Black Enterprise: Guide to Starting Your Own Business by Wendy Beech, you will need the following basic tools before beginning your journey through cyberspace:

A computer – You may be able to enjoy the Internet with a good entry-level PC or Macintosh, but to get the most of the Web you should obtain premium hardware. Surfing the Web requires at least a 486PC.
A modem – A modem is an electronic device that transforms data from digital signals to analog signals and vice versa, giving computers the ability to communicate over telephone lines.
Internet Service Provider (ISP) – An ISP can either be a local or national organization that provides connection to their servers, usually over phone lines, giving you access to the Internet.
Communication software – It is very important to obtain the software needed to manage the communications to your server computer. ISPs provide software programs such as Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator.
Additional hardware – Depending on the type of business you operate, you may have to purchase extra equipment. For example, if you are a web design company, you may want to invest in a fax machine and additional computers.

About CODANK Charlotte Web Design

CODANK is a top Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company located in Charlotte, NC. The company is dedicated to providing a broad range of web design services. CODANK specializes in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Graphic Design, Online Marketing, and Web Design and Development.

For more information, visit CODANK Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company at

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Franchise Advantages and Disadvantages

Whether you choose to embark on an Affiliate Franchise or the most popular franchise around, Business Format, you will experience several advantages and disadvantages.

As stated before, a franchise is defined as a contractual agreement in which the owner of a business concept gives a businessperson the right to own and operate a business based on that concept.

Advantages of Buying a Franchise (Provided by Black Enterprise: Guide to Starting Your Own Business by Wendy Beech)

Name Recognition – When starting a new business, the biggest challenge is establishing your name. Customers have no idea what your new business is like, or what typed of products or services you provide. When buying a franchise, you are jumping right into an established name with a proven record of success.
Financial Support – There are many ways to obtain the capital necessary to purchase a franchise. You can secure a bank loan, ask family and friends, or contact the Small Business Administration (SBA) about a guaranteed loan.
Site Selection – Some franchises belong in certain locations. A franchisor knows where a hair salon, dessert bar, lawn care service, or tattoo parlor will generate the most sales. Most franchisors will assist you in selecting a site that will work best for your business.

Disadvantages of Buying a Franchise

High Cost – The costs of purchasing a franchise can be very expensive. The costs typically vary according to the type of franchise that you buy. The fee can range from $5,000 to $50,000 or more.
Loss of Control – Once you purchase a franchise, it is required to abide by a set of guidelines set forth by the franchisor and outlined in the franchise agreement.
Share in Problems of the Parent Company – Just as a franchisee experiences the successes of the franchise; he or she also has to bear the failures. Once you have bought into the name, image, products and services, you cannot separate yourself from the parent company when times get hard.

About CODANK Charlotte Web Design

CODANK is a top Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company located in Charlotte, NC. The company is dedicated to providing a broad range of web design services. CODANK specializes in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Graphic Design, Online Marketing, and Web Design and Development.

For more information, visit CODANK Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company at

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Franchising 101

Choosing to take advantage of a franchise can either be a good or bad idea. Depending on what franchise you decide to invest in, you may run into a few more problems than usual.

Franchises became very popular in the United States in the 1960s, but the concept was born well over 100 years before. A franchise is defined as a contractual agreement in which the owner of a business concept gives a businessperson the right to own and operate a business based on that concept. As a franchisee, you buy the right to sell a trademarked product or service.

All franchisees are required to pay a franchise fee plus start-up costs, ongoing royalty fees, and operating expenses (rent, build-out, inventory, etc.). It is the franchisors responsibility to provide assistance with establishing a location for the franchise and developing the site.

According to Black Enterprise: Guide to Starting Your Own Business by Wendy Beech, all franchises fall into one of the following three categories:

• Product and trade-name franchise – The distribution of a product through a dealer. The franchisee is limited to selling only the products included in this type of arrangement.
• Affiliate or conversion franchise – This franchise is normally used by a group of independent entrepreneurs who operate in a segmented industry. They are not required to use the franchise name in order to conduct business. Most will take on the name as well as their own.
• Business format franchise – This is the most popular and best known type of franchise. A complete package of tools and materials for operating a business is included.

About CODANK Charlotte Web Design

CODANK is a top Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company located in Charlotte, NC. The company is dedicated to providing a broad range of web design services. CODANK specializes in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Graphic Design, Online Marketing, and Web Design and Development.

For more information, visit CODANK Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company at

Monday, March 15, 2010

Internet Service Provider (ISP)

A disadvantage of using an ISP (Internet Service Provider) is that if any problems or errors occur, you have to wait until the online service provider gets around to fixing it. A great way to avoid these problems is by establishing a web server. As a web host, you have complete control over the material, can make changes faster, and troubleshoot problems as soon as they come up.

Another great advantage of hosting your own site is being able to keep all of the revenues generated without having to pay a hosting fee. It is up to you and your company to decide on what option is best for your business. Majority of businesses choose to launch their sites through an ISP.

Below are some issues to consider when choosing an ISP, provided by Black Enterprise: Guide to Starting Your Own Business by Wendy Beech:

• Reliability – The last thing you want to do is choose an undependable ISP. A provider that wants your business will take the time to discuss any complexities involved.
• Software – Ask what software will be provided and what programs you will have to acquire yourself.
• Pricing – Make it a priority to review all available packages, and ask which fees will apply.
• Worldwide e-mail capability – Ensure that your ISP allows you to send and receive e-mail with text and other documents to and from anyplace in the world.

About CODANK Charlotte Web Design

CODANK is a top Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company located in Charlotte, NC. The company is dedicated to providing a broad range of web design services. CODANK specializes in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Graphic Design, Online Marketing, and Web Design and Development.

For more information, visit CODANK Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company at

Friday, March 12, 2010

General Tips Before Launching Your Website

Once your web site has been completed, be sure to test it and work out any problems or errors before its official launch to the World Wide Web. It is better to push back its release than to introduce it with too many problems.

Below are some general tips to assist you in creating and launching a great web site. Take these tips into consideration and also consult with your search engine optimization staff. These tips can be found in Black Enterprise: Guide to Starting Your Own Business by Wendy Beech.

Use navigational indexes – Scatter some search windows, icons, indexes, frames, and sidebars throughout your web pages so that visitors can easily navigate their way around your site.

Update your site regularly – More than 15,000 web sites are introduced to the World Wide Web every day. It is very important to keep your visitors interested. You will need to keep your content fresh and up-to-date while still providing access to older or basic information.

Load your site quickly – SEO professionals theorize that you have 10 seconds to catch a visitor’s attention and keep it. If your site loads slowly, the visitors are more likely to go elsewhere for the information he or she needs. To make sure that your web site loads quickly, keep backgrounds simple and graphics files small.

Provide different points of contact – Offer several ways in which your visitors can reach you. Provide an email address, phone number, fax number, and mailing address.

Display a company logo on the homepage – Consider displaying your company logo or some other colorful graphic at the top to invite visitors into your web site.

About CODANK Charlotte Web Design

CODANK is a top Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company located in Charlotte, NC. The company is dedicated to providing a broad range of web design services. CODANK specializes in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Graphic Design, Online Marketing, and Web Design and Development.

For more information, visit CODANK Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company at

Thursday, March 11, 2010

What is Keeping Your Site From Being Listed?

Registering with search engines can be a challenging task. You may find yourself registering your web site with a search engine only to find out a few days or weeks later that your site is nowhere to be found in the search engine’s database. Search engines, such as Google and Yahoo, have several reasons why not list a web site, but the main reason normally centers around the site’s URL.

To avoid being rejected by a search engine, there are a few things to take into consideration. The first is to make sure that your web site’s URL can be read or used. To avoid this problem, ensure that you type the entire URL to your web site. Be sure to use the proper cases since some can be case-sensitive.

For example, some web servers might consider the URLs and as being different web pages.

It is also a good idea to watch the language rules of the URL. Some search engines will not use a URL that includes reserved characters, such as:

= Equal Sign
$ Dollar Sign
? Question Mark

Additional reasons why a web site would not get indexed include:

The usage of frames
The usage of scripts
The usage of graphics-only pages
A Robots.txt file

Be sure to consult with a search engine optimization professional that is aware of proven techniques for improving your standing in the search engines. There are many methods that can help you get indexed and receive high rankings.

About CODANK Charlotte Web Design

CODANK is a top Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company located in Charlotte, NC. The company is dedicated to providing a broad range of web design services. CODANK specializes in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Graphic Design, Online Marketing, and Web Design and Development.

For more information, visit CODANK Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company at

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Correctly Structuring Your URLs

Structuring your web sites URL correctly is very important. Both search engines, such as Google and Yahoo, and search engine users take URL structure into consideration when they make decisions about your web site’s significance and authority.

A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is defined as a subset of the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that specifies where an identified resource (web site) is available and the mechanism for retrieving it.

URL Examples

The way that you structure your URL can affect both your rankings as well as the percentage of people who click your link, as known as click-through rate. Search engine optimization professionals suggest placing relevant keywords into page URLs. These relevant keywords should be associated with the written content seen on the page.

All URL structures should be organized and labeled appropriately. For example, if you are an art store, your web site’s urban art section should be located at, and your web site’s pastel paintings should be located at

Structuring your web site as stated above creates an easy, organized, user-friendly web site navigation system. Search engines can easily located your content-rich page and relate it back to its parent category. Users of search engines prefer to view clean, well-structured URLs when searching for a page.

Having a well thought out and organized URL structure can also open doors for other advertising campaigns. These campaigns can include paid search, or pay-per-click (PPC), advertising campaigns.

To learn more about structuring URLs correctly, be sure to read Search Engine Optimization by Kristopher B. Jones.

About CODANK Charlotte Web Design

CODANK is a top Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company located in Charlotte, NC. The company is dedicated to providing a broad range of web design services. CODANK specializes in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Graphic Design, Online Marketing, and Web Design and Development.

For more information, visit CODANK Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company at

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Craigslist Can Help You Draw in Traffic

There are many ways to draw in traffic to your web site. Search Engine Optimization professionals have crafted comprehensive strategies for driving organic traffic. What works for another web site may not necessarily work for your web site. Each strategy is unique and can be tailored to work effectively for you.

A great way to gain attention for a web site is by regularly posting ads on Craigslist. Typically, it helps in getting your web site indexed by search engines, such as Google and Yahoo.

Craigslist is a collection of local classifieds and forums. All listings are free and they include:

Local activities

The web site draws in approximately 20 billion page views per month. It is #7 worldwide in terms of English-language page views. The site is available in other languages such as French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.

Posting your web site’s ads on Craigslist can be very beneficial. For example, you can use Craigslist to post listings about your new line of spring products that you have recently published on your own site. It is best to include the URL to your web site in order to draw in more visitors.

Even though Craigslist is a very useful source of traffic to your web site, it is also important to understand and adhere to their terms of service or risk of having your web site and listings banned from using the service.

Be sure to become familiar with their policies before listing any ads or posts. All posts expire after about 45 days. For more information about Craigslist, visit

About CODANK Charlotte Web Design

CODANK is a top Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company located in Charlotte, NC. The company is dedicated to providing a broad range of web design services. CODANK specializes in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Graphic Design, Online Marketing, and Web Design and Development.

For more information, visit CODANK Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company at

Monday, March 8, 2010

Company Information Page

Internet users expect all company web sites to be credible and trustworthy. Phony and bogus web sites seem to be popping up all over the World Wide Web nowadays. A great way for a company to help build their reputation is by creating an information page – also known as an About Us page. A company information page is an easy way to gain trust with your visitors.

An About Us page normally contains the following information:

Company biography

Having an About Us/Information page is not only good for your visitors but it is also good for search engine optimization. You can increase your chances of high ranking on search engines such as Google if your web site has an About Us page. Spammers who generally create multiple web sites do not include information pages. Therefore, many in search engine optimization professionals believe that having a company information page may help improve your appearance of legitimacy and trustworthiness in the search engine ranking algorithms.

It is very important to place a link to your company’s information page somewhere on your homepage. Label the link About Us, Company Information or something similar so that users can find it easily. The link should be placed in a visible part of a homepage. It is not a good idea to place it at the bottom or within the navigational menu.

Overall, having a company information/about us page generally helps boost you reputation as an expert in your particular niche.

About CODANK Charlotte Web Design

CODANK is a top Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company located in Charlotte, NC. The company is dedicated to providing a broad range of web design services. CODANK specializes in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Graphic Design, Online Marketing, and Web Design and Development.

For more information, visit CODANK Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company at

Friday, March 5, 2010

Selecting Keywords 101

Choosing phrases and specific keywords which are appropriate to the specific services, products or content of each page of your web site is a critical aspect of search engine optimization (SEO).

There are two types of general or generic keywords. They consist of one of two keywords in length. They are referred to as:

Head terms

More specific keywords and phrases that consist of three or more words in length are commonly considered tail terms.

For example, the keyword “design” could be considered a head term or long-tail; the keyword “charlotte web design” could be considered a tail term.

Between the three types of keywords and phrases, head terms typically generate the most traffic. Tail terms normally send much less traffic flow, but often convert at a higher rate than head terms.

Trying to come up with the perfect combination of keywords and phrases to drive in traffic to your site is one of the biggest challenges of SEO. It is not something that you just jump into one day and then expect to be successful. It’s better to start off slow and build your way to greater success.

Tips for Selecting Keywords

Select keywords that are consistent with the content of each page
Place head keywords on the home page
Optimize each page, not just a web site as a whole
Place one or two target keywords in the title tag of a web site page
Focus on writing content that ranks well in search engines for long-tail terms

About CODANK Charlotte Web Design

CODANK is a top Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company located in Charlotte, NC. The company is dedicated to providing a broad range of web design services. CODANK specializes in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Graphic Design, Online Marketing, and Web Design and Development.

For more information, visit CODANK Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company at

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Write Content for Your Visitors, Not for Search Engines

When structuring a web site, it is best to write content geared to your visitors and just not for search engines. Google and Yahoo award high rankings to web sites that provide the most relevant and valuable information to their users. High ranking can be achieved by placing keywords and phrases into original, well-written content.

A web site owner’s search engine optimization (SEO) campaign goal should be to achieve top, organic rankings with the Internet’s most popular search engines. Content is not the only factor that search engines, such as Yahoo and Google, take into account when ranking a web site, but it is the most important.

Strive to obtain organic rankings for your web site by writing original content that has quality and also contains the keywords and phrases in which you want to rank for.

Tips on Writing Content (Provided by Search Engine Optimization by Kristopher B. Jones)

Write useful and informative content – make sure that your content is informative, to the point, and easy to read.
Keep content original, persuasive, and natural – search engines typically rank these types of sites the highest.
Structure your content with your reader in mind – it is important to outline and structure your content to as helpful as possible.
Avoid poor grammar – search engines tend to devalue sites with awkward sentences and many errors.
Using bold-type headings – provide bold headings to point out important parts of your content
Using call-to-action statements – provide readily accessible options.
Write with an original voice – write your content with a powerful voice
Write interesting content in a friendly tone – use the tone of your writing to capture your readers’ attention.

About CODANK Charlotte Web Design

CODANK is a top Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company located in Charlotte, NC. The company is dedicated to providing a broad range of web design services. CODANK specializes in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Graphic Design, Online Marketing, and Web Design and Development.

For more information, visit CODANK Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company at

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Designing an Effective Sitemap

Designers typically create sitemaps to either function as an outline or index of an entire web site. All sitemaps should be structured similar to the actual web site structure. You should begin with your home page and build out from there with all of the pages linking to it. Be sure to link all of the major subsections plus your About Us page and privacy policy page from the home page.

Each subsequent page should be placed and categorized under that subsection in your sitemap as well. It is suggested to name the sitemap either sitemap.html or sitemap.php. These two names help the search engines recognize that the file is indeed a sitemap.

Automatic sitemap generates are available. A popular generator is It helps automate the process of producing a sitemap. It is free and easy-to-use. XML Sitemaps generates an HTML sitemap that you can place on your web site.

Benefits of having a Sitemap

Easier navigation for site visitors
Potential advertising value
Encourage greater traffic to your site
No page would be left unturned

A sitemap gives visitors a place to find what they are looking for without getting lost in the navigation on the web site. No matter how organized and well designed your site is, some visitors may find it hard finding exactly what they are looking for.

As your web site grows and you add new pages, be sure to add those pages to your sitemap. Search engines normally reward web sites with new and up-to-date content.

Additional information can be found in Search Engine Optimization by Kristopher B. Jones.

About CODANK Charlotte Web Design

CODANK is a top Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company located in Charlotte, NC. The company is dedicated to providing a broad range of web design services. CODANK specializes in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Graphic Design, Online Marketing, and Web Design and Development.

For more information, visit CODANK Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company at

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Link Buying 101

Link buying is a practice that has been used by many search engine optimization firms. It is a great way to build quality links. A small business or entrepreneur can effectively increase their link building efforts by tactically buying links on other web sites.

Link buying is the practice of paying for specific link placements on web sites in an attempt to improve web site traffic and raking within the search engines.

If you are not aware of how link buying works, link brokers are available to assist you in your endeavors. Link broker networks provide businesses with proficient ways of buying links. They act as intermediaries between web site owners and advertisers. Link broker network membership is free. Requirements include:

Telephone number
Log-in name

Also, you must have a major credit card or a PayPal account to pay for any purchases you make.

Being a registered member of link broker networks gives you the opportunity to search for links from a large database of publisher web sites. Link placement fees are typically prepaid on a monthly basis and prices range from $10 to as high as $1,000 per web site.

A major link broker network is named This network allows you to select the exact advertiser web sites you would like to purchase a link from. provides important information about the host web site, including link popularity, traffic ranking, placement location, description, and availability of inventory.

A great benefit to joining a link broker network is the fact that you are able to choose your desired anchor text (relevant descriptive or contextual information about the content of the link’s destination).

About CODANK Charlotte Web Design

CODANK is a top Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company located in Charlotte, NC. The company is dedicated to providing a broad range of web design services. CODANK specializes in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Graphic Design, Online Marketing, and Web Design and Development.

For more information, visit CODANK Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company at

Monday, March 1, 2010

Basic Web Structure

The chances of search engines successfully locating and indexing your web site all lies within optimizing its basic structure. Search engine ranking algorithms, such as Google and Yahoo, analyze several on-site elements when trying to determine where a web page ranks for certain search terms and phrases. These factors normally include:

Web site content
Domain name
Browser capability
Web site structure
Navigational linking structure
Page accessibility

There are several ways to efficiently optimize for the factors listed above. These things include: choosing reliable web hosting, choosing an appropriate domain name, optimizing your web site for all web browsers, creating logical site structure and navigational menus, generating a sitemap, and creating an About Us page and a privacy policy page.

A well laid out design and structure helps to improve any businesses or entrepreneur’s performance of their web site and also helps users to navigate it, allowing search engines to better find and index all of the written content which is included on the web site.

You should ask yourself the following questions during the web design process:

Is my site appealing to visitors?
Is my web site search engine friendly?

Web Site Structure Basics to Consider During Your SEO Process

Find a web host
Establish a domain name
Plan and design a web site structure
Optimize within multiple browsers
Design a sitemap
Create a contact us page
Create a privacy policy
Link within subject matter themes

About CODANK Charlotte Web Design

CODANK is a top Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company located in Charlotte, NC. The company is dedicated to providing a broad range of web design services. CODANK specializes in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Graphic Design, Online Marketing, and Web Design and Development.

For more information, visit CODANK Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company at