Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Don’t Lose Count

Keeping a record of how well your web site performs is the best way to make improvements from time to time. Tracking the number of visitors you receive is probably one of the most important pieces of information that you will need to have. There are many ways to count online visitors.

A visit is described as a collection of hits or page views that a person has requested from a web site. So, you are counting the number of people who have stopped by your page over a certain period of time. The period of time varies from site to site. A webmaster may choose to break visits up by minutes, hours, days, weeks, or months.

Below is a list of question that can help a web site save the correct data when evaluating visitors:

What was the average number of page views per visitor?
What domain classes and geographic areas are represented?
What was the average number of hits per visitor?
What was the total number of visitors for this time period?
What was the length of the average visit?
What was the average duration of a page view?

Once these questions have been answered, it is then time to break down who is visiting your web site and why. Doing so will help you better promote your web site and make it a better place to visit.

Length of the average visit: Indicator of if people are actually reading pages on a site or simply browsing.
Average number of views per visitor: The more pages people view, the more interested they are in your site.
Busiest hours of the day: The time of the day when most people visit a site. This can help you plan daily updates, promotion campaigns, and advertising.
Duration of page view: Another indicator of is people are browsing or in fact reading the content. Ask yourself, “are my pages highly textual, highly graphical, or both?”

About CODANK Charlotte Web Design

CODANK is a top Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company located in Charlotte, NC. The company is dedicated to providing a broad range of web design services. CODANK specializes in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Graphic Design, Online Marketing, and Web Design and Development.

For more information, visit CODANK Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company at

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