Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Website Content Do's and Don'ts

When preparing written content for you business’s web site, be sure to use the following guidelines (provided by The Truth About Search Engine Optimization by Rebecca Lieb) to help you create well-organized copy that is intended for both your audience as well as search engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN/Bing, etc.):

Use proper keywords and phrases – Prior to writing any content, make sure you have thoroughly researched the keywords and phrases that are appropriate for your web site and viewers. The words should match what your target audience is typing in search query boxes when they are searching for information, products, or services.

Place keywords and phrases high on the page – Not all search engine crawlers spider their way to the bottom of a page, so use your keywords and phrases towards the beginning of a web page.

Be descriptive – Try not to refer to yourself as “our team”. Instead, say CODANK Charlotte Web Design. Use the term wherever possible.

Use phrases instead of single keywords – Not all searchers type single-word queries, so you should use phrases whenever appropriate. “Minority Business Loans” is more relevant to a searcher than “loans.”

Don’t use text as a graphic – Search engines can not read images. They only read text. When placing graphics on a page, be sure to use proper naming and tagging of the file.

Provide a physical location – Viewers and search engines need more information than “our office.” Try to incorporate a complete physical address, postal code, and phone number with area code.

Check your spelling – Do not rely on your viewers to correct your mistakes. Take the time to go through all of your pages in order to detect any errors. You do not want the “did you mean..?” message to appear at the top of search results pages!

About CODANK Charlotte Web Design

CODANK is a top Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company located in Charlotte, NC. The company is dedicated to providing a broad range of web design services. CODANK specializes in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Graphic Design, Online Marketing, and Web Design and Development.

For more information, visit CODANK Charlotte Web Design and Internet Marketing Company at www.codank.com

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